Written by Ashton Snyder on
 June 23, 2024

Noem Releases Documentary Amid Controversial Book Revelations

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem's latest effort to rejuvenate her political impact has faced a hurdle in the form of a personal controversy.

Her ambitions of becoming Donald Trump’s running mate have been overshadowed by the backlash following her admission of having shot and killed her dog, Cricket, as the Daily Mail reports, but she is not giving up just yet.

Noem has unveiled a new self-produced film, America's Governor: The Kristi Noem Story, aimed at showcasing her character. Directed by Shawn Rech, this Transition Studios production portrays Noem's lifelong affection for animals through various touching narratives.

However, this attempt to humanize Noem and mitigate public outrage comes after a story in her book caused global criticism. The narrative recounts Noem's decision to shoot her fourteen-month-old dog, Cricket, a revelation that did not sit well with dog lovers worldwide.

Noem took a break from appearing on cable news for a month to let the backlash subside. She recently resumed her media presence, hoping the hiatus had helped ease public sentiment.

Documentary’s Soft Focus on Noem’s Life

Noem's film includes scenes demonstrating her bond with animals, featuring moments with her current small dog. Testimonials from her mother add to the documentary's personal touch, emphasizing Noem's longstanding love for animals.

From childhood instances where neighbors entrusted her with abandoned or ailing animals to the present day, the film seeks to illustrate this ongoing devotion. Noem's mother recalls how auctions would even offer up unsold animals, confident that young Kristi would care for them.

Political Repercussions and Public Reaction

The political ramifications of the story have been unmistakable, with Noem putting her book tour on hold in early May due to "bad weather" in South Dakota. This pause coincided with the rising public uproar against her actions narrated in the book.

Former President Donald Trump recognized the tough period Noem faced, remarking that "We all have bad weeks." His comments touched on the varied responses from different parts of the country, suggesting a divided public sentiment.

Despite the controversy, Trump expressed continued support for Noem. However, she did not secure a spot on the shortlist of potential running mates, which features politicians like Doug Burgum, Marco Rubio, JD Vance, Tim Scott, Byron Donalds, Elise Stefanik, and Ben Carson.

Noem’s Take on the Vice-Presidential Bid

Noem maintains that having a female Vice President could be advantageous for Trump, especially in battleground states. She believes her presence on the campaign trail might significantly impact the outcome in these critical areas.

This calculated assertion stems from polling data showing the potential benefits of a female running mate. Noem’s own political career could hinge on this facet, despite the recent controversies. The coming months will reveal whether the documentary and Noem's efforts at damage control will suffice to reframe her public image.

Summarizing the main events, Kristi Noem's release of a personal documentary aimed at boosting her political aspirations has been marred by the fallout from her book revelation about shooting her dog, Cricket. Despite endorsements from Donald Trump, she has reportedly not made the shortlist of potential running mates, facing diverse public reactions nationwide.

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