Venice, renowned for its iconic canals and historical richness, witnesses a unique environmental evolution as Bacan, a strip of land just off its shores, emerges as a continuously habitable island.
According to the New York Post, This evolution is largely attributed to the Mose flood barrier, which was designed to protect Venice from flooding and has incidentally created a new, permanent island.
In 2020, engineers commissioned the Mose flood protection system to shield Venice from severe sea surges. These sophisticated barriers have since played a crucial role in enabling the emergence of the island of Bacan.
The lagoon's waters previously revealed Bacan only in the summer, turning it into a temporary landmass. However, the consistent operation of these barriers has transformed this seasonal spectacle into a year-round reality.
The barriers' technology not only protects the city from flooding but also elevates Bacan sustainably by trapping the sand and water required to raise it above the Adriatic Sea level.
According to Giovanni Cecconi, a local engineer, the unique functionality of the barrier system, when opened during non-flood conditions, accelerates the accumulation of sand. This has crucially helped sustain Bacan's ground level, effectively preserving the island from winter surges that previously led to its submersion.
"The barrier … accelerates the flow of water into the lagoon when it is open, meaning more sand comes in, helping sustain Bacan," explained Cecconi. He further added, "And by raising the barrier in winter to stop high waters, the island is protected from the surges that used to erode it."
In this way, Bacan has not only survived but has begun to thrive as a habitable landscape, inviting biodiversity and new ecological opportunities.
With its year-round presence, Bacan now fosters new vegetation and offers a tranquil retreat for locals to engage in activities such as sunlight basking and shellfish hunting. This shift has drawn ecological interest as well as sparked leisure activities among Venetians looking to escape the congested tourist flows of the main city.
Beyond recreation, the ecological implications of Bacan's transformation are significant. This newly stabilized environment has begun developing its ecosystem, showing that human intervention can coexist with natural habitat evolution.
"It is a new ecosystem and shows that the lagoon can evolve positively in parallel with human intervention," stated Cecconi, illustrating a promising blend of human foresight and nature's adaptability.
However, there are concerns among environmental experts regarding the long-term impacts of the flood barriers on the region's natural dynamics. Barriers block the natural flow of storm surges, which also carry silt crucial for maintaining the health of Venice’s surrounding marshes.
These salt marshes around Venice are known for their ability to absorb carbon at rates far exceeding those of forests, making them vital in the fight against climate change. Interruptions in their natural silt replenishment could potentially undermine these benefits.
The city’s approach to managing the pressures of a changing climate and its reputation as a prime tourist destination involves strict regulations, including limiting the number of tourists and imposing entry fees.
Within this complex web of ecological and socio-economic dynamics, there's a shared consensus on maintaining the simplicity and natural allure of Bacan. Giovanni Cecconi captures this sentiment, emphasizing, "What we need to avoid are ice cream kiosks and luxury hotels."
This perspective is crucial in ensuring that Bacan does not lose its newfound ecological value through commercial overdevelopment and remains a sanctuary for both wildlife and locals seeking respite from urban sprawl.
As Bacan develops, it offers a fascinating look at how Venice adapts to both its environmental challenges and the opportunities they present, weaving new narratives into its already rich historical tapestry.