Written by Kathy Wheatley on
 August 27, 2024

Australian Scientist Pinpoints MH370's Ocean Grave; Driver's Deliberate Act

In a significant development, a Tasmanian researcher, Vincent Lyne, believes he has pinpointed the final resting place of the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 in the Southern Indian Ocean.

According to the New York Post, Vincent Lyne's revelations challenge previous theories about the aircraft's disappearance, suggesting a controlled crash by the pilot.

The mystery of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 began when the aircraft vanished after taking off from Kuala Lumpur in March 2014. With its disappearance looming close to a decade ago, it carried 239 passengers, including six Australians, sparking one of aviation's biggest mysteries.

Vincent Lyne, part of the University of Tasmania’s Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, built on previous findings and his 2021 research published in the Journal of Navigation. His study provides a new perspective, opposing the widely accepted theory of a high-speed crash resulting from fuel exhaustion.

Lyne proposes that the flight's pilot executed a well-planned controlled ditching in a specifically difficult-to-detect part of the ocean. This theory suggests an almost deliberate act to vanish without a trace.

Intriguing Science Behind the New MH370 Location Theory

Lyne identified a zone in the Southern Indian Ocean defined by rugged underwater terrain. This location is notable where the longitude of Penang airport and the flight path from the Pilot-in-Command’s home simulator intersect, hinting at a deliberate route.

According to Lyne, the specific characteristics of the seabed in this area, consisting of narrow steep sides and massive ridges, would have been ideal for minimizing the chances of discovery. The fine sediment environment further suggests that any wreckage lies deeply buried and shielded from casual detection.

This revelation is consistent with recent assertions from a U.S.-based deep-sea exploration firm that has expressed confidence in conducting the most thorough search of this new proposed crash site.

The Compelling Statements from Researcher Vincent Lyne

On his LinkedIn page, Lyne articulated the shift in the narrative: "This work changes the narrative of MH370’s disappearance from one of no-blame, fuel-starvation at the 7th arc, high-speed dive, to a mastermind pilot almost executing an incredible perfect-disappearance in the Southern Indian Ocean."

Lyne elaborated on the execution hindrances during an interview, stating, “In fact, it would have worked were it not for MH370 plowing its right wing through a wave, and the discovery of the regular interrogation satellite communications by Inmarsat — a brilliant discovery also announced in the Journal of Navigation.”

His discoveries support the theories posited by Larry Vance, a former Chief Canadian Air-crash Investigator. "This justifies beyond doubt the original claim...that MH370 had fuel and running engines when it underwent a masterful ‘controlled ditching’ and not a high-speed fuel-starved crash," explained Lyne.

What Next for the MH370 Investigation?

Despite the compelling scientific evidence, the decision to pursue this new lead rests with aviation authorities and search teams. Lyne puts forth a powerful argument: “Whether it will be searched or not is up to officials and search companies, but as far as science is concerned, we know why the previous searches failed, and likewise science unmistakably points to where MH370 lies. In short, the MH370 mystery has been comprehensively solved in science!”

As the tenth anniversary of the MH370 disappearance approaches, Lyne’s findings could offer some solace to families still seeking closure. The scientific community and investigative teams now must evaluate these new insights, potentially launching a search that could finally reveal the fate of MH370.

Meanwhile, the global interest in the fate of MH370 remains high, with insights like those from Lyne providing hopeful avenues for solving one of modern aviation's most enduring mysteries.

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About Kathy Wheatley

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