Written by Kathy Wheatley on
 July 2, 2024

Meghan Markle's Investment in Clevr Blends Challenged Over Alleged Lead Content

Meghan Markle's affiliation with Clevr Blends, a company specializing in organic 'SuperLattes', recently came under fire from Safe Products for Californians (SPFC) over alleged toxic chemical content. The legal notice, however, was subsequently withdrawn.

Recently, California-based Clevr Blends confronted allegations of toxic chemicals in their products, leading to legal threats under Proposition 65, Daily Mail Online reported.

Back in December 2020, Meghan Markle made headlines with her investment in Clevr Blends, a company known for its gluten-free and organic latte mixes. This connection brought the brand into not just celebrity circles, but later into a legal spotlight.

Legal Threat issued under Proposition 65

In August 2021, SPFC, represented by Tanya Moore of Moore Law Firm and linked to the proprietor of SPFC, Kenneth "Randy" Moore, issued a notice to Clevr Blends. SPFC claimed that Clevr Blends' products contained unsafe levels of toxic chemicals, prompting the threat of litigation under California’s Proposition 65.

California's Proposition 65 requires companies to disclose significant amounts of chemicals that may cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm. The regulation has been a point of criticism, with opponents arguing it can be abused for financial gains through legal action.

The notice by SPFC suggested a citizen lawsuit could ensue unless Clevr Blends agreed to a recall of the affected products, provided future warnings, or re-formulated their drinks.

Resolution and Withdrawal of Legal Notice

Two months after the initial legal notice, in October 2021, the issue took a turn as SPFC withdrew its violation notice. This occurred after a confidential agreement between SPFC and Clevr Blends, the details of which remain undisclosed to the public.

“SPFC and Clevr Blends are both bound by a confidentiality agreement, which covers all communications and any exchange of information between them," detailed Tanya Moore.

Regarding the withdrawal of the notice, Moore added, "My former client can't comment as to why the notice was withdrawn, nor can Clevr. I can confirm that the notice was indeed withdrawn, and there was no legal action taken, which is a matter of public knowledge. I can't comment on what information was exchanged nor why the notice was withdrawn."

Quality and Safety at The Forefront for Clevr Blends

In response to the allegations, a legal spokesperson from Clevr Blends stated, “Product quality and safety is Clevr Blands’ top priority. The company has been, and continues to be, in compliance with California's Proposition 65. The notice was voluntarily withdrawn by Safe Products for Californians, LLC without a settlement as there was no basis for it.”

Although the FDA had issued recalls for other products like cinnamon due to high lead levels in early 2021, Clevr Blends maintained that their products did not contain lead. The latte brand emphasized its adherence to strict product quality and safety regulations.

This event doggedly follows a prior controversy involving Clevr Blends, regarding the import of oat milk from Xinjiang, a region heavily criticized for human rights issues.

Final Thoughts on Clevr's Legal Challenge

Meghan Markle's supported brand, Clevr Blends, navigated legal threats effectively by reaching a confidential agreement with SPFC, which resulted in the withdrawal of the violation notice. Despite this, the saga brought to light several discussions around the use of Proposition 65 and the importance of product safety.

Clevr Blends continues to assert that they prioritize product quality and safety above all, maintaining strict compliance with California's stringent health guidelines.

The outcome of this story, while resulting in no legal modifications to Clevr Blends' products, perhaps unfolded as a cautionary tale both for businesses under Proposition 65 and for legal entities engaging in its execution.

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