Recent Earthquakes Heighten Big One Fears In Southern California

Recent earthquakes shook areas near Pasadena and Malibu, reminding residents of Southern California of their region's seismic volatility. Amidst the tremors, expert warnings about the inevitability of a substantial earthquake in the region have intensified community concerns and calls for preparedness, CNN reported. Southern California, geographically prone to earthquakes, contains numerous active faults, including the […]
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Rising Cases of Whooping Cough and Pneumonia Spark Health Warnings

Health officials are sounding the alarm over a worrying surge in respiratory infections, particularly pertussis and mycoplasma pneumonia, affecting children in schools this season. According to CBS News, a significant rise in infections among school-aged…


REPORT: Participants Communicated in Their Dreams in New Experiment

In a remarkable breakthrough, two individuals have reportedly communicated through their dreams, thanks to an experiment conducted byREMspace, a California-based startup. The experiment saw the transmission of a one-word message between individuals in a lucid…
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